23 April 2013, Serambi Perpus. Ini dia salah satu referensi tools bagi sobat pustaka yang memang getol mendalami bidang Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi. Ya benar, ODLIS (Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science) merupakan kamus istilah di dunia Ilmu perpustakaan dan Informasi yang menjadi rujukan di berbagai belahan dunia. ODLIS merupakan Kamus online yang dirujuk dari buku yang “Dictionary for Library and Information Science” atau bisa disingkat “DLIS” buatan John M. Reitz.
Nah, dengan modal bahasa Inggris pas-pasan, sobat sekalian dapat mencari istilah-istilah Library and information secara lengkap dan terbaru di sini. ODLIS juga telah menyediakan versi cetak, silakan yang berminat dapat menghubungi bagian pemasarannya langsung, tidak usah hubungi kami di sini (maklum kami belum ditawari jadi pemasarnya, hehe)
Bagi sobat pustaka yang ingin tahu mengenai ODLIS silakan kunjungi WEB ODLIS .
berikut cuplikan sejarah perkembangan ODLIS dari waktu-ke waktu. mohon maaf ya, masih dalam versi english, maklum dengan kemampuan translet kami yang pas-pasan takut mrngaburkan informasi yang terkandung dalam tulisan asli. Berikut sejarah singkatnya:
Nah, dengan modal bahasa Inggris pas-pasan, sobat sekalian dapat mencari istilah-istilah Library and information secara lengkap dan terbaru di sini. ODLIS juga telah menyediakan versi cetak, silakan yang berminat dapat menghubungi bagian pemasarannya langsung, tidak usah hubungi kami di sini (maklum kami belum ditawari jadi pemasarnya, hehe)
Bagi sobat pustaka yang ingin tahu mengenai ODLIS silakan kunjungi WEB ODLIS .
berikut cuplikan sejarah perkembangan ODLIS dari waktu-ke waktu. mohon maaf ya, masih dalam versi english, maklum dengan kemampuan translet kami yang pas-pasan takut mrngaburkan informasi yang terkandung dalam tulisan asli. Berikut sejarah singkatnya:
For more than 55 years, ABC-CLIO has delivered award-winning
collections of digital and print resources. Our focus is on curriculum and
reference materials, as well as professional development for librarians in
secondary education, higher education, and public libraries. Our mission is to
support educators and librarians in their work to foster 21st-century skills,
independent critical thinking, and genuine exploration and understanding of the
complex issues of our world—past, present, and future.
Partnering with leading scholars and educators, we offer
four well-respected imprints that provide high-quality, authoritative online
resources, books, eBooks, and magazines on topics spanning the social sciences,
humanities, and professional librarianship.
ABC-CLIO Solutions
ABC-CLIO’s online solutions offer authoritative, continually
up-to-date coverage of essential topics in U.S. history and government, world history, geography, and a range of
multicultural and popular culture subjects. Created specifically for students
in middle and high school, higher education, and public library settings,
ABC-CLIO's suite of 27 online solutions are built upon three innovative
reference and research components: 1. Comprehensive, authoritative reference
content derived from over 140,000 primary sources and entries 2. Context that provides students with a
deeper understanding of their coursework and highlights the relevance of their
studies to the world around them. 3.
Critical thinking explorations of over 500 scholarly dilemmas that enable
students to comprehend how great thinkers debate the most perplexing issues of
our time—and challenge them to reach their own conclusions.
Our online solutions have been awarded top honors, including
the Dartmouth Medal, the CODiE Award, the BESSIE Awards, and other software and
educational awards of excellence.
ABC-CLIO and Greenwood Press
ABC-CLIO and Greenwood Press are recognized as
industry-leading providers of the highest-quality reference materials. These
imprints offer authoritative reference scholarship and innovative coverage of
history and humanities topics across the secondary and higher education
curriculum. With widely respected
publishing programs in American and world history and government, military
history, popular culture, multiculturalism and diversity, religion and
mythology, contemporary issues, heath
and wellness, business, and psychology, the reference collections of ABC-CLIO
continue to answer students’ and educators’ needs for factual foundations in
specialized subject areas.
Praeger has established itself as a leading publisher of
scholarly, professional, and authoritative general interest books and eBooks in
the social sciences and humanities, with a unique emphasis on contemporary
thought in business and economics, psychology, health and wellness, current
events and social issues, modern history, military studies, and politics.
Praeger also provides insightful and timely material on international security,
including defense and foreign policy, strategy, regional security, and
Linworth and Libraries Unlimited
Long regarded as the leading provider for library
professional development and librarianship, Linworth and Libraries Unlimited
publishes textbooks and publications specifically developed for librarians,
media specialists, and teachers; and produces webinars and other professional
learning events. We partner with renowned librarians to produce materials of the
highly quality. Our professional development imprint also includes the popular
magazines Library Media Connection (LMC) and School Library Monthly (SLM).
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