selamat datang **** sugeng rawuh **** ahlan wa sahlan **** ****

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Daftar ALA- Sekolah Perpustakaan Terakreditasi


Sekolah Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi

Washington, DC 20064
Gelar yang ditawarkan: MLS. Beberapa program gelar bersama juga ditawarkan.
Kurikulum: Sebuah program yang luas menawarkan banyak kursus yang berkaitan dengan kepustakawanan koleksi khusus dan manajemen arsip.

Arsip Manajemen Fall / Musim Semi
Arsip Penelitian lapangan Setiap Semester
International Art dan Museum Perpustakaan Institut Setiap Musim Panas
Pameran, Program Umum, dan Outreach untuk Arsip Setiap Musim Semi
Sejarah Kitab Kejatuhan Setiap
Sejarah Lisan Dua tahunan Jatuh
Pelestarian Pengelolaan Perpustakaan / Arsip Bahan Fall / Musim Semi
Langka Buku Perpustakaan Setiap Musim Semi
Agama Lembaga Arsip Dua tahunan Musim Panas
Koleksi Khusus: Sebuah Pengantar Kejatuhan Setiap
Universitas Katolik Amerika Sekolah Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi juga sedang mengembangkan program terkonsentrasi di Informasi Manajemen Warisan Budaya, yang mengarah ke kompetensi dalam beberapa macam arsip manajemen dan khusus kepustakawanan koleksi.
Siswa dapat mengambil maksimal tiga jam studi independen.
Mahasiswa Practica di lembaga-lembaga daerah menawarkan kredit yang dapat diterapkan terhadap persyaratan derajat.
Perpustakaan Universitas: Sekitar 1,5 juta buku dan lebih dari 130 database terkomputerisasi yang disimpan di John K. Mullen of Denver Memorial Library, perpustakaan kampus empat cabang, dan Hakim Kathryn J. Perpustakaan Dufour Hukum.
Langka Buku dan Koleksi Khusus , Semitik / ICOR Perpustakaan , Oliveira Lima Perpustakaan : Bahan mulai dari dokumen abad pertengahan untuk buku yang diterbitkan baru-baru 1990-an. Koleksi "khusus" yang paling signifikan dalam Buku Langka adalah Perpustakaan Clementine. Ini berisi sekitar 10.000 volume dari perpustakaan keluarga Albani Roma dan Urbino. Koleksi lain adalah Foster Stearns bahan pada Knights of Malta, kuningan Monumental di Inggris, Amerika Katolik pamflet diterbitkan sebelum Oktober 1962, dan sejarah paroki. Pengumpulan Richard Foley dari penyair dan dramawan berisi sebagian besar edisi pertama, banyak yang ditandatangani.
Katolik Amerika Sejarah Research Center dan University Archives : Naskah koleksi berbagai ukuran dan ruang lingkup yang lebih kecil dari koleksi surat-surat pribadi (kurang dari 1 kaki linier) untuk koleksi besar catatan milik utama Katolik organisasi nasional seperti National Katolik Asosiasi Pendidikan (500 linier kaki). Para Aids Menemukan banyak panduan dan persediaan untuk koleksi naskah diproses. Para Indeks Koleksi Naskah berisi daftar setiap koleksi naskah, baik olahan dan belum diproses, menurut abjad judul. Para Universitas Katolik catatan dan bahan lain dari berbagai kantor administrasi, dan sekolah-sekolah akademik dan departemen di deposito. Archives menawarkan berbagai pilihan foto dan rekaman, beberapa di antaranya dapat ditemukan dengan menggunakan alat bantu temu . Foto-foto yang dipilih dari kedua universitas dan koleksi naskah yang telah didigitalkan tersedia online di koleksi dan pameran . Universitas mempertahankan Koleksi Museum Universitas untuk digunakan oleh masyarakat SLIS. Materi online digitzed terdiri online koleksi dan pameran . Koleksi online berisi dokumen dan gambar dari universitas individu dan koleksi naskah.
Washington, DC adalah salah satu pusat besar di Amerika Serikat untuk kepustakawanan koleksi khusus. Perpustakaan Kongres, Arsip Nasional, Lembaga Smithsonian, National Geographic Society, dan banyak lembaga-lembaga warisan budaya dan ilmiah semua repositori terkenal koleksi arsip yang signifikan. Semakin besar Washington-Baltimore daerah adalah rumah bagi beberapa universitas dan perguruan tinggi juga.
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Departemen Ilmu Perpustakaan

210 Carlson Perpustakaan Gedung
Clarion University of Pennsylvania
Clarion, Pennsylvania 16214-1232
Bebas pulsa: 866-272-5612
814-393-2271; faks 814-393-2150
Gelar yang ditawarkan: MLS; Perpustakaan Sekolah Media Sertifikasi; Sertifikat Studi Lanjutan.
Program pendidikan jarak berikut sekarang ditawarkan: Harrisburg dan Philadelphia, Pennsylvania dan program kohort online.
Kurikulum: perpustakaan program sains Umum yang mempersiapkan siswa untuk berbagai macam karir profesional. Program studi yang ditawarkan relevan dengan kepustakawanan koleksi khusus adalah: Sejarah Buku dan Percetakan dan Pelestarian dan Konservasi Bahan Pustaka. Siswa juga dapat merancang program penelitian independen dan menerapkan tiga jam magang terhadap penyelesaian gelar.
Para Perpustakaan Universitas tidak termasuk buku langka dan / atau divisi manuskrip.
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Clark Atlanta University

Tidak lagi memiliki Sekolah Studi Perpustakaan dan Informasi

Dalhousie University

Sekolah Informasi Manajemen

Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3J5, Kanada
Derajat Ditawarkan: MLIS, MLIS / LLB, MLIS / MBA, MLIS / MPA, MLIS / mrem (Sumber Daya dan Manajemen Lingkungan).
Kurikulum: Program generalis, dengan tidak ada program spesialisasi / sertifikat formal di kepustakawanan koleksi khusus.
Arsip Setiap Tahun
Sejarah Kitab Setiap Tahun Kedua
Membaca Kursus Setiap Tahun
Tesis pilihan Setiap Tahun
Praktikum adalah kursus non-kredit yang diperlukan, dengan peluang di Koleksi Khusus dan Arsip.
Perpustakaan Universitas : 1,5 juta jilid. Koleksi Khusus Perpustakaan : sastra Australia, Francis Bacon, Rudyard Kipling, Canadiana, jejak awal dan binding baik.
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Dominican University

Sekolah Pascasarjana Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi

7900 Divisi Barat St
River Forest, IL 60305
Gelar yang ditawarkan: MLIS; MLIS / MA dalam Sejarah Publik bekerjasama dengan Universitas Loyola.
Arsip dan Koleksi Khusus Pathway
Arsip Administrasi dan Jasa Kejatuhan Setiap
Lanjutan Arsip Manajemen Setiap Musim Semi
Deskriptif Bibliografi Setiap Tahun
Sejarah Buku cetak Setiap Tahun
Pelestarian dan Konservasi Setiap Tahun
Awal Buku dan Naskah Setiap Musim Semi
Sejarah Sastra Anak On Demand
Arsip dan Memori Kolektif Kejatuhan Setiap
Siswa dapat mengambil praktikum di perpustakaan lokal, dan pusat arsip dan informasi. Kursus ini juga ditawarkan secara teratur di College of St Catherine di St Paul, Minnesota melalui perjanjian kerjasama antara lembaga-lembaga.
Perpustakaan Universitas: ca. 225.000 jilid.
Koleksi Khusus Perpustakaan: buku cetak awal, naskah, dan buku pers kecil.
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Drexel University

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Informasi dan Teknologi
Para iSchool di Drexel

3141 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 895-2474, Fax: (215) 895-2494
Gelar yang ditawarkan: MS, di kampus dan online; konsentrasi Opsional tersedia dalam studi arsip, perpustakaan dan layanan informasi, intelijen kompetitif dan manajemen pengetahuan, perpustakaan digital, layanan pemuda dan sekolah perpustakaan media; Ph.D., sertifikat online dalam perawatan kesehatan informatika; canggih sertifikat dalam studi informasi dan teknologi dan studi yang tersedia pasca-master.
Kurikulum: Siswa dapat menggabungkan perpustakaan yang berhubungan dengan kursus dan program dalam sistem informasi untuk mendapatkan gelar Master of Science. MS biasanya membutuhkan 15 lapangan dan dapat diselesaikan pada secara penuh atau paruh waktu. Kredit untuk pengalaman kerja dapat diberikan kepada siswa untuk berhubungan dengan pengalaman kerja profesional yang diperoleh sebelum awal program gelar mereka. Praktikum Sebuah ditawarkan yang menyediakan siswa dengan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan kredit untuk pekerjaan dalam konteks akademis. Siswa harus menyelesaikan enam kursus yang diperlukan, lima di antaranya diambil pada awal program. Saldo program ini dapat diselesaikan baik melalui berbagai pilihan atau konsentrasi opsional yang terdiri dari lima program ditambah empat pilihan pilihan siswa.
INFO 560 Pengantar Arsip saya Tiga kali setahun
INFO 561 Pengantar Arsip II Tiga kali setahun
INFO 750 Sistem Akses Arsip Tiga kali setahun
INFO Apraisal 751 Arsip Setiap tahun
INFO 755 Electronic Records (Musim Dingin 2010 karena kursus Topik Khusus) Setiap tahun
INFO 756 Digital Pelestarian Setiap tahun
INFO 668 Sejarah Kitab Setiap tahun
INFO 669 Curatorship dalam Koleksi Khusus Setiap tahun
INFO 893-894 Praktikum I-II (mahasiswa yang tertarik dalam Studi Kearsipan didorong untuk mencari pengalaman kerja khusus dalam pengaturan arsip.) Setiap jangka
kursus tambahan yang tersedia melalui program sejarah publik Temple Universitie itu.
Drexel juga memiliki perjanjian dengan Temple University (lihat Temple Opsi Arsip di ) dimana siswa dapat mengambil urutan 3-kursus Arsip dan tranfer kursus-kursus ini menjadi LIS mereka program. Ketiga program tersebut adalah: Pengantar Arsip dan Naskah, Research in Arsip dan Naskah, dan Magang di Arsip.
Naskah signifikan dan koleksi buku langka berada di lembaga Filadelfia berbagai, termasuk University of Pennsylvania dan Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
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Sekolah Perpustakaan dan Informasi Manajemen

1200 Commercial St
Emporia, KS 66801
Gelar yang ditawarkan: MLS, Ph.D.
Kurikulum: Sebuah program yang kuat dalam kepustakawanan Media sekolah.
Sejarah Informasi Dua kali seorang Tahun
Arsip Dalam pengembangan
Kursus arsip ditawarkan melalui Departemen Sejarah.
Program jarak jauh saat ini tersedia di Colorado, Oregon, dan Utah.
Perpustakaan Universitas: ca. 725.000 jilid.
Koleksi khusus: fokus pada sastra anak-anak dan buku berilustrasi.


Sekolah Studi Informasi

101 Louis Shores Gedung
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2100
Gelar yang ditawarkan: BS, MS, Spesialis, Ph.D., Sekolah Perpustakaan Media Sertifikasi Spesialis (non-gelar).
BS, MS dan derajat Spesialis dapat diperoleh melalui pembelajaran jarak jauh melalui Internet.
Kurikulum: fokus Programatik adalah perilaku pengguna dan interaksi dengan informasi produk, layanan dan organisasi. Area tambahan keahliannya meliputi penciptaan dan pemasaran produk-produk informasi, analisis isi informasi, kebijakan informasi dan manajemen, dan sistem informasi.
Pengelolaan Koleksi Informasi Ditawarkan dua kali setahun dan tersedia secara online
Sistem Manajemen Database Ditawarkan tiga kali setahun dan tersedia secara online
Arsip Ditawarkan setahun sekali
Pelestarian Bahan Informasi Ditawarkan setahun sekali
Informasi dan Manajemen Gambar Ditawarkan setahun sekali
Siswa dapat mengajukan kredit dari studi independen dan magang terhadap persyaratan derajat.
Universitas Perpustakaan: ca. 2,2 juta jilid, 6.669.000 micromaterials., 169.000 peta, 957.000 dokumen pemerintah, dll
Koleksi Khusus Perpustakaan: rumah Collection Florida, publikasi dan foto-foto dari Florida State University, John Mackay Shaw Anak pada Koleksi Puisi, Napoleon dan Koleksi Revolusi Perancis, manuskrip kepentingan lokal dan sejarah dan bahan langka tambahan. The Claude Pepper Perpustakaan, terletak di Claude Pepper Center, rumah kertas dari Denson Claude Pepper.


Sekolah Ilmu Perpustakaan & Informasi

1320 E. 10 Street
Main Library 011
Bloomington, IN 47405-3907
(812) 855-2018 atau bebas pulsa (888) 335-7547
Gelar yang ditawarkan: MIS, MLS, SpLIS, PhD
Kurikulum: Program berbasis luas di semua bidang perpustakaan dan ilmu informasi. Sebuah Buku Langka dan Spesialisasi Naskah Perpustakaan ditawarkan dalam komponen elektif dari Master Perpustakaan (MLS) Science. Spesialisasi yang mengharuskan siswa untuk menyelesaikan semua persyaratan untuk gelar MLS dan untuk menyelesaikan di bagian elektif program mereka memilih kursus yang diperlukan, dengan berkonsultasi dengan Direktur Spesialisasi Joel Silver (yang juga Kurator Buku di Indiana University Lilly Library). Spesialisasi yang memerlukan 18 jam kredit.
Sekolah ini juga menawarkan Spesialisasi dalam Arsip dan Manajemen Records. Spesialisasi yang memerlukan siswa untuk menyelesaikan semua persyaratan dari tingkat MLS dan untuk menyelesaikan di bagian pilihan program kursus yang diperlukan yang mereka pilih, dengan berkonsultasi dengan Direktur Spesialisasi Phil Bantin (yang juga Direktur Indiana University Archives). Spesialisasi yang memerlukan 18 jam kredit.
S581 Arsip & Manajemen Arsip Setiap Tahun
S582 Pelestarian Setiap Tahun
S583 Perpustakaan Buku Langka Setiap Tahun
S584 Naskah Setiap Tahun
S605 Magang: terkait dengan Buku Langka dan Naskah - atau Arsip (wajib) Setiap Semester
S629 Topik: di Perpustakaan Buku Langka - atau Arsip Setiap Tahun
S680 Kitab sampai 1450 Setiap Tahun
S681 Book 1450 sampai Present Setiap Tahun
S684 Deskriptif Bibliografi Setiap Tahun
S685 Elektronik Manajemen Arsip Setiap Tahun
Beberapa magang tersedia di Perpustakaan Lilly, dan dengan Archives IU. Magang juga dapat diminta pada banyak situs terkait di AS dan seluruh dunia.
Selain program studi bahasa banyak di Indiana University, kursus yang berkaitan dengan kepustakawanan koleksi khusus yang ditawarkan di departemen lain meliputi: "paleografi dari Script Latin" (Studi Klasik) dan "paleografi dari Script Vernakular" (Studi Renaissance).
Perpustakaan Universitas: Bloomington kampus perpustakaan kepemilikan mencakup lebih dari 6 juta volume terikat dan lebih dari 17 juta bahan lainnya termasuk manuskrip, peta, musik, mikrofilm, dan film.
Lilly Library: lebih dari 400.000 buku, 7 juta manuskrip, dan 150.000 lembar lembaran musik - dengan penekanan koleksi khusus pada bahasa Inggris dan sastra Amerika, abad ke-19 drama Inggris, Americana, Lincoln dan ekspansi barat, dan sejarah ilmu pengetahuan dan kedokteran.
IU Archives : The IU Bloomington Arsip merupakan sumber terbesar dan paling komprehensif informasi tentang sejarah dan budaya dari Indiana University.
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Sekolah Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi

Kent, OH 44244
Gelar yang ditawarkan: MLS; Sertifikat Advanced Study..
Kurikulum: program umum yang luas menawarkan sejumlah kelas dalam kepustakawanan koleksi khusus.
Buku Seni Belum ditentukan
Foundation dan Administrasi Archives Setiap Tahun
Sejarah Perpustakaan dan Informasi direkam Belum ditentukan
Pelestarian Manajemen Setiap Tahun
Langka Buku Perpustakaan Setiap Tahun
Siswa dapat mengambil praktikum di arsip administrasi atau khusus kepustakawanan koleksi.
Perpustakaan Universitas : ca. 2 juta volume; 9.500 majalah. Koleksi Khusus Perpustakaan: kekuatan termasuk buku-buku tentang buku, tanda tangan, William Faulkner, kertas Jean Claude Van Italie, Yusuf Chaikin, dan DA Levy.


Palmer Sekolah Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi

Utama kantor:
CW Post Campus
720 Rue Utara
Brookville, NY 11548-1300
Buku Langka dan Koleksi Khusus konsentrasi:
Palmer Sekolah
Bobst Library
New York University
70 Washington Square Selatan
New York, NY 10003
212 998-2680
Gelar yang ditawarkan: MLS; konsentrasi di Buku Langka dan Koleksi Khusus pada situs Manhattan di Bobst Perpustakaan, NYU, program sertifikat di Arsip dan Manajemen Records.
Kurikulum: Untuk program MLS dengan konsentrasi di Buku Langka dan Koleksi Khusus: Siswa akan mengembangkan kemahiran dalam curatorship buku langka, teknik arsip, sejarah buku, buku langka katalog, pelestarian, dan perencanaan pameran. Mereka akan berkenalan dengan koleksi utama melalui kunjungan lapangan dan magang, dan akan memiliki kesempatan untuk bertemu para ahli di bidang ini. Selain jadwal kursus reguler, program khusus akan ditawarkan sebagai Topik Khusus. Termasuk sebagai Topik Khusus dijadwalkan kunjungan ke koleksi besar, sejarah berbagai aspek "buku" seperti buku di Amerika, buku-buku seniman di perpustakaan, dan pengenalan tentang perdagangan buku dan dunia lelang. Topik khusus lain dapat dilakukan sebagai respon terhadap kebutuhan siswa dan kepentingan. Seorang siswa akan diharapkan untuk menyelesaikan empat bersangkutan, program khusus untuk menyelesaikan konsentrasi ini.


Buku Langka dan Koleksi Khusus Perpustakaan Setiap tahun
Sejarah Kitab Setiap tahun

PLUS dua pilihan

Humaniora Sumber dan Jasa Setiap tahun
Pengantar Pelestarian Setiap Tahun
Perpustakaan Hubungan Masyarakat Setiap Tahun
Langka Buku Perpustakaan Setiap Tahun
Arsip dan Naskah Setiap Tahun
Metadata: Deskripsi dan Akses Setiap Tahun
Perbandingan Bibliografi Setiap Tahun
Topik Khusus Beberapa Setiap Tahun
Siswa juga dapat memakan waktu hingga dua mata kuliah di Universitas Sekolah Buku Langka Virginia sebagai bagian dari konsentrasi ini. Pilihan ini harus disetujui oleh Sekolah Palmer sebelum mahasiswa mendaftar dalam program RBS.
Kurikulum: Untuk Program Sertifikat Arsip dan Manajemen Arsip:


Manajemen Arsip saya Setiap Tahun
Arsip dan Naskah Setiap Tahun
Magang Setiap Tahun

PLUS TIGA pilihan

Pengantar Pelestarian Setiap Tahun
Langka Buku dan Perpustakaan Khusus Koleksi Setiap Tahun
Penilaian Arsip dan Naskah Setiap Tahun
Manajemen Arsip II: Dokumen Elektronik Setiap Tahun
Metadata: Deskripsi dan Akses Setiap Tahun
Pengetahuan Representasi Setiap Tahun
Informasi Penyimpanan dan Retrieval Setiap Tahun
Sekolah Palmer Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi menawarkan kelas-kelas di empat lokasi. Program lengkap dari kursus mengarah ke tingkat MSLIS ditawarkan di CW Post kampus (22 mil timur New York City) dan di situs Perpustakaan Bobst New York University di New York City. Terpilih MS program yang ditawarkan di LIU Brentwood kampus (timur Long Island) dan di Westchester County di SUNY Pembelian di Pembelian, NY Ph.D. dalam program Informasi Studi ditawarkan hanya di Kampus Pasca CW. Kursus-kursus khusus dalam buku-buku langka dan koleksi khusus yang ditawarkan hanya di Manhattan di situs Sekolah Palmer di Bobst Perpustakaan, NYU (New York City).
Perpustakaan Universitas: ca. 1 juta jilid. dan 5.000 majalah. Mahasiswa dalam program Manhattan School Palmer memiliki akses ke sumber daya Bobst Perpustakaan, Universitas New York: ca. 4 juta volume.

Louisiana State University

Sekolah Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi

267 Coates Balai
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
225-578-3158 atau bebas pulsa 1-888-232-0156
Gelar yang ditawarkan: MLIS; Sekolah Sertifikasi Pustakawan; Sertifikat Advanced Study.
Sejarah Buku dan Perpustakaan Setiap Tahun
Arsip Administrasi Setiap Tahun
Perpustakaan Digital Setiap Tahun
Elektronik Deskripsi Bahan Arsip Setiap Tahun
Lanjutan Arsip Akses Setiap Tahun
Sejarah Arsip dan Penyimpanan Catatan Setiap Tahun
Documentary Editing Setiap Tahun
Publik Pemrograman untuk Organisasi Sejarah dan Arsip Setiap Dua Tahun
Pengelolaan Dokumen Elektronik Setiap Dua Tahun
Sejarah Lisan Setiap Dua Tahun
Manajemen Arsip Setiap Dua Tahun
Lanjutan Appraisal untuk Arsip Setiap Dua Tahun
Koleksi Manajemen Arsip dan Museum Setiap Dua Tahun
Teknologi Isu dalam Arsip Setiap Dua Tahun
Perpustakaan Universitas: ca. 2,9 juta jilid. Koleksi Khusus Perpustakaan: Koleksi meliputi akumulasi terbesar bahan di Louisiana dan Mississippi Lembah lebih rendah pada keberadaan; universitas arsip; koleksi buku langka dengan kekuatan di abad kedelapan belas sejarah Inggris dan sastra, Dunia Baru eksplorasi dan perjalanan, sejarah ekonomi, fiksi ilmiah dan fantasi, seni buku dan kecil-tekan puisi; New World botani dan ilustrasi ornitologi, dan koleksi yang lebih kecil difokuskan pada Lincoln, lobster, catur, dan poker dan Hoyle.
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McGill University

Sekolah Studi Informasi

3459 McTavish St
Montreal H3A 1Y1
(514) 398-4204
Derajat Ditawarkan: MLIS; Ph.D. (Ad Hoc) Program, Graduate Diploma dalam Studi Perpustakaan dan Informasi; Graduate Certificate dalam Studi Perpustakaan dan Informasi.
Kurikulum: Program MLIS memiliki tiga aliran: Studi Kearsipan, Manajemen Pengetahuan dan Perpustakaan.
Arsip Prinsip & Praktek Tahunan
Arsip Pengaturan & Keterangan Tahunan
Deskriptif Bibliografi Tahunan
Sejarah Buku dan Percetakan Tahunan
Perpustakaan dan Arsip Sejarah Tahunan
Manajemen Arsip; Metadata & Akses Tahunan
Pelestarian Manajemen Tahunan
Dokumen Elektronik Sistem Tahunan
Praktikum mungkin diambil untuk kredit terhadap gelar.
Perpustakaan Universitas: ca. 2 juta jilid. Koleksi Khusus Perpustakaan: Arsitektur, William Blake, Canadiana, Sejarah Sains dan Kedokteran, Kierkegaard, Napoleon, Sejarah Alam dan Ornitologi, Percetakan, Shakespeare, ke-16 dan abad ke-17 saluran.
Untuk informasi kontak:
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Buku Langka dan Koleksi Khusus konsentrasi:
Palmer Sekolah
Bobst Library
New York University

70 Washinton Square South
New York, NY 10003

Gelar yang ditawarkan: MSLIS; konsentrasi di Buku Langka dan Koleksi Khusus pada situs Manhattan di Bobst Perpustakaan, NYU, program sertifikat di Arsip dan Manajemen Records.
Kurikulum: Untuk program MSLIS dengan konsentrasi di Buku Langka dan Koleksi Khusus: Siswa akan mengembangkan kemahiran dalam curatorship buku langka, teknik arsip, sejarah buku, buku langka katalog, pelestarian, dan perencanaan pameran. Mereka akan berkenalan dengan koleksi utama York wilayah Kota New melalui kunjungan lapangan dan magang, dan akan memiliki banyak kesempatan untuk bertemu ahli dalam bidang subjek. Selain jadwal kursus reguler, program khusus akan ditawarkan pada kesempatan sebagai Topik Khusus. Termasuk sebagai Topik Khusus baru yang tentu saja sebagian besar terdiri Kunjungan dijadwalkan untuk koleksi besar, buku di Amerika, buku-buku seniman di perpustakaan, pengenalan perdagangan buku dan dunia lelang, sejarah desain buku modern dengan tangan-studio latihan, dan perencanaan pameran. Topik khusus lain dapat dilakukan sebagai respon terhadap kebutuhan siswa dan kepentingan. Seorang siswa akan diharapkan untuk menyelesaikan empat bersangkutan, program khusus untuk menyelesaikan konsentrasi ini.


Buku Langka dan Koleksi Khusus Perpustakaan Setiap Tahun
Setidaknya satu saja dalam sejarah buku Banyak pilihan, termasuk program Sekolah Buku Langka di London, Charlottesville VA dan di tempat lain, juga di Palmer

PLUS dua pilihan

Humaniora Soureces dan Jasa Setiap Tahun
Pengantar Pelestarian Setiap Tahun
Perpustakaan Hubungan Masyarakat Setiap Tahun
Langka Buku Perpustakaan Setiap Tahun
Arsip dan Naskah Setiap Tahun
Metadata: Deskripsi dan Akses Setiap Tahun
Perbandingan Bibliografi Setiap Tahun
Topik Khusus Beberapa Setiap Tahun
Siswa juga dapat memakan waktu hingga dua mata kuliah di Universitas Sekolah Buku Langka Virginia sebagai bagian dari konsentrasi ini. Pilihan ini harus disetujui oleh Sekolah Palmer sebelum mahasiswa mendaftar dalam program RBS. Semua siswa Palmer harus menyelesaikan magang sebagai batu penjuru untuk program mereka Palmer.
Kurikulum: Untuk Program Sertifikat Arsip


Manajemen Arsip saya Setiap Tahun
Arsip dan Naskah Setiap Tahun
Magang Setiap Tahun

PLUS TIGA pilihan

Pengantar Pelestarian Setiap Tahun
Langka Buku dan Perpustakaan Khusus Koleksi Setiap Tahun
Penilaian Arsip dan Naskah Setiap Tahun
Manajemen Arsip II: Dokumen Elektronik Setiap Tahun
Metadata: Deskripsi dan Akses Setiap Tahun
Pengetahuan Representasi Setiap Tahun
Informasi Penyimpanan dan Retrieval Setiap Tahun
Sekolah Palmer Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi menawarkan kelas-kelas di empat lokasi. Program lengkap dari kursus mengarah ke tingkat MSLIS ditawarkan di CW Post kampus (22 mil timur New York City) dan di situs Perpustakaan Bobst New York University di New York City. Kursus MSLIS Terpilih ditawarkan di LIU Brentwood kampus (timur Long Island) dan di Westchester County di SUNY Pembelian di Pembelian, NY Ph.D. dalam program Informasi Studi ditawarkan hanya di Kampus Pasca CW. Kursus-kursus khusus dalam buku-buku langka dan koleksi khusus yang ditawarkan hanya di Manhattan di situs Sekolah Palmer di Bobst Perpustakaan, NYU (New York City).
Perpustakaan Universitas: ca. 1 juta jilid. dan 5.000 majalah. Mahasiswa dalam program Manhattan School Palmer memiliki akses ke sumber daya Bobst Perpustakaan, Universitas New York: ca. 4 juta volume.
diperbarui 10/09


Sekolah Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi

1801 Fayetteville Jalan
Durham, NC 27707
Gelar yang ditawarkan: MLS, MIS, MLS / JD (Gelar Bersama di Perpustakaan Hukum), MIS / MBA (Gelar Bersama di Ilmu Bisnis dan Informasi)
Arsip dan Manajemen Arsip Belum ditentukan


Akademik Pustakawan Setiap Tahun
Arsip dan Manajemen Arsip Setiap Tahun
Hukum Pustakawan Setiap Tahun
Publik Pustakawan Setiap Tahun
Sekolah Pustakawan / Sekolah Media Koordinator Setiap Tahun
Khusus Pustakawan Setiap Tahun
Jaringan dan Komunikasi (Ilmu Informasi) Setiap Tahun
Informasi Strategis Manajemen (Ilmu Informasi) Setiap Tahun
Perpustakaan Digital (Perpustakaan Ilmu Pengetahuan) Setiap Tahun
Siswa dapat mengambil Praktikum untuk kredit.
Perpustakaan Universitas: ca. 400.000 vol, 2000 majalah..
Koleksi Khusus Perpustakaan: kekuatan utama adalah Afrika-Amerika Sastra termasuk buku untuk Anak dan Remaja. Perhatikan bahwa SLIS adalah perpustakaan hanya dan informasi ilmu (LIS) program dalam sebuah perguruan historis hitam atau universitas (HBCU).
Terletak di Durham, NC dan berdekatan dengan Research Triangle Park, kampus NCCU menawarkan banyak kesempatan untuk belajar, penelitian, dan bekerja di dekatnya. Siswa dapat mengambil antar lembaga kursus di Sekolah UNC-Chapel Hill Informasi dan Ilmu Perpustakaan dan di Duke University, North Carolina State University, UNC-Greensboro, dan UNC-Charlotte sementara terdaftar dalam kursus di NCCU.
diperbarui 10/09

Pratt Institute

Sekolah Informasi dan Ilmu Perpustakaan

144 W. 14th Street, Lantai 6
New York, NY 10011-7301
Gelar yang ditawarkan: MLS, gelar MS Dual (LIS) / MA (Sejarah Seni), Dual gelar MS (LIS) / MFA (Digital Arts), gelar Bersama MS / JD dengan pengaturan dengan Brooklyn Law School; Sertifikat Advanced.
Kurikulum: Konsentrasi meliputi Seni dan Humaniora Perpustakaan Layanan; Bisnis / Jasa Informasi Perusahaan; Ilmu Kesehatan / Layanan Perpustakaan Kedokteran, Hukum Layanan Perpustakaan; Arsip dan Manajemen Arsip; New York Perpustakaan Negara Sertifikasi Media Spesialis; Buku Langka dan Koleksi Khusus Daerah Fokus.
Konservasi dan Pelestarian Setiap Tahun
Pengelolaan Arsip dan Koleksi Khusus Setiap Semester
Prinsip Manajemen Arsip Setiap Tahun
Manajemen Arsip Elektronik Setiap Tahun
Modern Penerbitan Buku Setiap Tahun
Institute on Koleksi Khusus Setiap Musim Panas
Institute on Koleksi Seni Setiap Musim Panas
Institute on Peta Koleksi Setiap Musim Panas
Museum dan Perpustakaan Penelitian Kejatuhan Setiap
Perpustakaan Digital Setiap Tahun
Proyek di Arsip Digital Setiap Tahun
Seni Perpustakaan Setiap Tahun
Performing Arts Perpustakaan Setiap Tahun
Buku Langka di New York Public Library
Sesuatu yg tdk kekal Koleksi
Metadata, Keterangan, & Akses
Koleksi fotografi di Pusat Internasional untuk Fotografi
Topik Khusus di Arsip dan Naskah
Dunia Seni: Bisnis Informasi di Perpustakaan Umum New York


Seni Florentine & Budaya, Museum dan Perpustakaan Penelitian dan Dokumentasi
Konservasi Warisan Budaya
Praktikum dan magang dalam koleksi khusus tersedia setiap semester.
Perpustakaan Universitas: ca. 210.000 jilid, 500 majalah..
Koleksi Khusus Pratt Institute Library ini termasuk langka, out-of-print monograf; edisi terbatas karya mani di bidang seni, arsitektur dan desain; raisonnees katalog; edisi khusus dan pra-1950 seni dan jurnal arsitektur (termasuk Dokumen GA dan Rekam Arsitektur ); broadsides dan poster; risalah arsitektur, rencana dan gambar; lainnya karya-karya sejarah besar dalam seni, arsitektur,, sejarah desain taman, seni buku, dan seni dekoratif.
Koleksi buku langka termasuk barang langka, tidak dicetak, dan unik. Ada dua koleksi khusus: satu untuk seni langka, desain, dan bahan arsitektur dan satu lagi untuk generalisasi termasuk sejarah percetakan baik, buku anak langka itu, edisi modern pertama, New York sejarah, dan buku masak awal. Buku tanggal koleksi dari kelima belas selama berabad-abad kedua puluh.
Pratt Institute terletak di New York City, salah satu pusat besar dunia budaya. Sekolah Ilmu Informasi dan Perpustakaan (SILS) memiliki hubungan formal dan informal dengan berbagai institusi di daerah New York Metropolitan termasuk Perpustakaan Umum New York, Brooklyn Perpustakaan Umum, Metropolitan Museum of Art, dan New York Historical Masyarakat.
diperbarui 10/09

Queens College

Program Pascasarjana Studi Perpustakaan dan Informasi

Benjamin Rosenthal Perpustakaan, Ruang 254
Flushing, NY 11367
Derajat Ditawarkan: MLS dan Media Sekolah Sertifikasi.
Bibliografi Pengendalian Non-Cetak Bahan Setiap Tahun
Arsip dan Naskah Setiap Tahun
Siswa dapat mengajukan kredit magang menuju gelar.
Perpustakaan Universitas: ca. 700.000 jilid. Perpustakaan mencakup pusat arsip. Perpustakaan juga mengelola Louis Armstrong Gedung dan Arsip .
Arsip Perwakilan New York State Legislatif 'yang disimpan di perpustakaan sekolah bagi siswa untuk belajar. Buku langka Banyak bintang dan koleksi naskah dapat diakses di seluruh wilayah metropolitan NYC.

Rutgers University

Departemen Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi

New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1071
732-932-7500 Ext 8955
Gelar yang ditawarkan: MLIS, Ph.D. Kurikulum: Enam fokus utama adalah manusia-informasi interaksi; organisasi informasi, akses informasi, sistem informasi, manajemen, informasi dan masyarakat.
Struktur Pengetahuan dan Profesi Informasi Dua kali Setiap Tahun
Membaca Kepentingan Dewasa Setiap Tahun
Sosial Sejarah Sastra Anak Setiap Tahun
Naskah dan Arsip Setiap Tahun
Pelestarian Bahan Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Setiap Tahun
Perpustakaan Digital Dua kali Setiap Tahun
Perpustakaan Digital Teknologi Setiap Tahun
Ekonomi Informasi Tidak teratur
Sosial Sejarah Sastra Anak Tidak teratur
Sejarah Buku Setiap Tahun
Dokumen dan Kaset di Cetak dan Elektronik Lingkungan Setiap Tahun
Practica, studi Independen, dan Pengalaman lapangan menekankan beberapa aspek koleksi khusus juga dapat diambil.
Studi Pengembangan Profesional menawarkan Sertifikat Pelestarian Manajemen. Pelestarian Management Institute mengarah ke sertifikat melibatkan seminggu penuh kelas dalam Kejatuhan, satu minggu di musim semi, dan minggu terakhir selama musim panas akhir berikut atau Fall.
Perpustakaan Universitas: ca. 3 juta jilid. 682.276 terikat majalah. 22.686 langganan saat ini; 217.593 informasi file Koleksi Khusus Perpustakaan: Kekayaan yayasan bervariasi adalah catatan resmi, surat-surat Universitas asli banyak dan dokumen oleh orang Amerika dicatat dan asing, New Jersey awal catatan kota, naskah asli, buku harian 1746-1986, buku dicetak sebelum 1500, abad ke-17 traktat mempromosikan permukiman di New Jersey dan tempat lain, edisi pertama dan menandatangani banyak karya sastra terkenal, peta historis dan surat kabar, cetakan awal dan foto, almanak-18 dan abad ke-19, dan benda-benda museum.


Divisi Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi

8000 Utopia Parkway
Jamaica, NY 11439
Degrees Offered: MLS; Specialist certificates available in the areas of Drug Information, Government Information, School Media; Advanced certificate in Library and Information Studies.
Curriculum: Declared programmatic strengths are organization of information (cataloging and indexing), librarianship, archives and manuscripts. A course in the history of books and printing is offered each year.
Arsip dan Naskah Belum ditentukan
History of Books and Printing Once Yearly
Preservation Technology in Library and Information Science Belum ditentukan
Practical Conservation and Preservation of Library Materials Belum ditentukan
Manajemen Arsip Belum ditentukan
Credit Internships available
University Library: 1.5 million vols.
updated 10/09


Sekolah Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi

One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0029
Degrees offered: MLIS and MARA (Masters of Archives and Records Administration)
Curriculum: Programmatic strengths are general, but the program includes a specialization in Archival Studies. Classes are offered. No special collections program or certificate.
Advanced Archives Seminar Twice yearly
Arsip dan Naskah Three times yearly
History of Books and Libraries Once yearly
Preservation Management Once yearly
Manajemen Arsip Three times yearly
Electronic Records Twice yearly
Digitalisasi Once yearly
Illuminated Naskah Once every two years
Incunabula Once every two years
Internships are available.
University Library: ca. 890,000 books and 3,160 current serials. Special Collections: strengths include a large collection of Beethoven materials, a Steinbeck collection, and materials documenting the Chicano experience.
MARA Degree: program and courses .
updated 10/09


Sekolah Pascasarjana Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi

300 The Fenway,
Boston, MA 02115-5898
Degrees offered: MS, Doctor of Arts in Library Management, concentrated programs in Archives Management, Preservation, and school Library Media. Dual degree programs in Archives/History and School Library and MAT. PhD in Library and Information Science.
Curriculum: A generalist program but one allowing students to define specialized programs.
Administration of Archives and Manuscript Programs Each Semester
Preservation Management for Libraries and Archives Each semester
Manajemen Arsip Tahunan
Photographic Archives Tahunan
Art Documentation Tahunan
Appraisal of Archives and Manuscripts Twice per year
Establishing Archives and Manuscripts Collections Tahunan
Archives, History and Collective Memory Tahunan
Preservation Technologies Tahunan
Oral History Tahunan
History of Visual Communication Tahunan
History of the Book (Graduate Course, English/History Tahunan
The Medieval Manuscript from Charlemagne to Gutenberg Tahunan
Continuing Education in archives and rare books is offered throughout the year. For more information, go to:
Internships are a mandatory part of the two Introduction courses.
The Simmons College Archives and Special Collections contains collections documenting the college's commitment to the training of women in the fields of nursing, social work, teaching, etc. Foci of the book collection include children's literature, social work, home economics, public health nursing, and history of the book.
Highly significant rare book and manuscript collections are located nearby at Harvard University, Boston University, the Boston Public Library, Massachusetts Historical Society and other institutions in the greater Boston area.
updated 10/09


Department of Information and Library Science

501 Crescent St.
New Haven, CT 06515.
Degrees offered : MLS, 6th year Certificate in Library and Information Studies.
Curriculum: Programmatic strengths are college, public and school libraries. There is no rare book certificate or program.
History of Books and Printing Infrequently
University Library : ca. 400,000 vols. and 3,305 current serials. Special Collections Library: collections of African artifacts, children's books, early American textbooks, and Connecticut history.
Nearby Yale University offers rich resources in rare books and manuscripts.
updated 10/09


Department of Library and Information Studies, Graduate School of Education

534 Baldy Hall
Buffalo, NY 14620-1020
Degrees offered: MLS.; Post Master's Certificate
Curriculum: LIS 509 Introduction Archives Management; LIS 513 Records Management; LIS 519 Selection, Acquisition, and Management of Non-print Materials; LIS 522 International Publishing and Bibliography; LIS 563 Digital Libraries; LIS 567 Government Information; LIS 587 Collection Development. Students can also design independent studies working with practitioners in local special collections on and off campus.
University Library: Over 3 million volumes, 22,000 periodicals. Special Collections Library: Courier Express Collection, Lois Lenske Collection, Jewish Archives of greater Buffalo, History of Medicine, 20th-century literature (especially English language poetry and the papers of James Joyce, Wyndham Lewis, Robert Graves, and William Carlos Williams).
updated 10/09


School of Information Studies

Center for Science and Technology
245 Hinds Hall
Syracuse, NY 13244-4100
Degrees offered: BS in Information Management and Technology; MSLIS; MS in Information Management; Executive MS in Information Management; MS in Telecommunications and Network Management; Certificate of Advanced Studies in Digital Libraries, School Media, or Information Systems & Telecommunications; Online Doctorate of Professional Studies in Information Management., PhD. in Information Science and Technology
Curriculum: Dr. Kenneth Lavender ( ), former curator of the Rare Book and Texana Collections at the University of North Texas and author of Book Repair, published by Neal-Schumann, is a full-time faculty member at the School of Information Studies. He coordinates a regularly-offered set of courses: Management and Organization of Special Collections, Management and Organization of Archival Collections, and Preservation of Library and Archival Materials. In addition, to support our Digital Library Certificate of Advanced Studies, we regularly offer Creating, Managing, and Preserving Digital Assets. Many of these courses are taught asynchronously online. Dr. Lavender also supervises approximately 25 students each year in internships and independent studies related to library archives, special collections, and historical collections.
Students interested in preparing for work digital aspects of special collections can combine the Certificate of Digital Libraries program with course sequence of Special Collections, Archives, and Preservation and an appropriate Internship. In addition, students interested in museum work can take a dual master's degree with the MSLIS and the Graduate Program of Museum Studies
University Library: More than 3 million volumes and 20,000 journals and series.
Special Collections Library: Prominent collections include the Stephen Crane Collection, Rudyard Kipling Collection, L. Frank Baum Collection, Belfer Audio Archives, and papers of Margaret Bourke-White and Benjamin Spock.
updated 10/09


School of Library and Information Studies

PO Box 425438
Denton, TX 76204-5438
940-898-2602; Fax: 940-898--2611
Degrees offered: MLS; Master of Arts in Library Science, Learning Resources Endorsement, and Ph.D.
Curriculum: Programmatic strengths include children's librarianship, school librarianship, user needs, information policy, and library management. With Dr. Robert Martin joining the faculty as Professor of Library Science, History of Librarianship is a regular course offering. TWU also has a cooperative relationship with the University of North Texas for other courses in special collections librarianship. Practica in special collections libraries are possible.
University Library : The TWU Woman's Collection is the primary special collection.


Department of Information Studies

135 Western Ave., Draper 113 Albany, NY 12222
Degrees offered: Master of Science in Information Science for which students will choose one of five tracks including Library and Information Services and Archives and Records Administration. Also available are dual MSIS/MA programs with English and history.
Curriculum: A generalist curriculum permitting concentration in several aspects of special collections librarianship.
Arsip dan Naskah Every Year
Fundamentals of Records Management Every Year
Contemporary Publishing Belum ditentukan
History of Recorded Information Every Year
Managing Electronic Records Every Year
Preservation Management in Archives and Libraries Every Year
Buku Langka Every Year
Special Libraries / Information Centers Belum ditentukan
An internship is required for the MSIS except when waived based on prior experience. Independent studies may be tailored to meet a student's interests in special collections.
University Library : ca. 1.9 million vols. Special Collections Library: Archives for Public Affairs and Policy, German Intellectual Emigre Collection, New York and New England local history, University Archives, Elzevier collection, French drama, and Judaica.
updated 10/09


Graduate School of Library and Information Studies

Box 870252
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0252
205-348-4610; Fax: 205-348-3746
Degrees offered: MLIS, Ph.D.; MFA Program in Book Arts.
Curriculum: Programmatic strengths are general information studies, printing, and book arts.
Arsip Once Yearly
Conservation and Collection Management Kadang-kadang
Descriptive Bibliography Kadang-kadang
History of the Book: Print Culture and Society. Once Yearly
History of the Book: The Book as Artifact Once Yearly
History of Libraries Once Yearly
History of the American Literary Small Press Once Yearly
The MFA Program in Book Arts provides instruction in letter press printing, bookbinding, paper making, and book making. Contact Steve Miller (205-348-1525) or Anna Embree (205-348-2398) in the School of Library and Information Studies for more information.
The school also supports internships in archives, special collections, and conservation.
University library: Holdings in excess of 2 million volumes and 12,193 current serials. Special Collections library: Houses 6,000 linear feet of manuscript material, includes subject strengths in Alabama history, and Confederate and Civil War history, and holds collections of Sir Walter Scott, and Armed Services editions.
updated 10/09


School of Library and Information Studies

Edmonton T6G 2J4 Kanada
Degrees offered: MLIS, MLIS/MA
University Library : ca. 3,800,000 vols.
Bruce Peel Special Collections Library: English literature, Canadiana, history of the book, children's literature, Native American literature
updated 10/09


School of Information Resources & Library Science

1515 East First Street Tucson, AZ 85719
Degrees offered : MA in Library Science; Ph.D. in Library Science.
Descriptive Bibliography Tahunan
Sejarah Kitab Tahunan
Introduction to Archives Management Tahunan
Knowledge Constructs Twice Yearly
Buku Langka Tahunan
Social Constructs of Information Tahunan
Seminar in Literary Research Methods Alternates Yearly Physical Bibliography with History of the Early Book
Perservation Musim panas
Introduction to Archives Musim panas
Issues in Advanced Archives Musim panas
Internships are available.
University Library: Over 7 million volumes in holdings.
Special Collections Library: Books, manuscripts, photographs and ephemera focusing on Arizona and Southwestern literature and history, Spanish and American language and literature, Mexican colonial history, 20th-century photography, history of science, 18th- and 19th-century British and American literature, and science fiction.
updated 10/09


School of Library, Archival and Information Studies

470-1961 East Mall
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1
Degrees offered: MLIS, MAS (Master of Archival Studies), Joint MLIS/MAS, MA in Children's Literature
Curriculum: Programmatic strengths are general library and information studies and archives administration. First Nations Curriculum Concentration. Certificate of Advanced Study is available as a post-MAS or post-MLIS program for further study into issues and topics specific to special collections.
Historical Bibliography Occasional
Pengawetan Every Year
Directed Study Every Year
Independent Research Project Every Year
Pengalaman Profesional Every Year
Cataloguing Special and Non-Book Materials Every Other Year
Digital Images and Collections Every Year
Perpustakaan Digital Every Year
Pemerintah Dokumen Every Year
Sejarah Kitab Every Year
Management of Audio-Visual and Non-Textual Archives Every Year
Preservation of Digital Records Every Year
Specialized Literatures Occasional
Specialized Materials Occasional
Visual Literacy for Information Professionals Every Year
Numerous courses in archives administration are also offered.
Internships and practicums are also available in the area of archives administration. Practicum available in the MLIS program in special collections.
University Library: 3.5 million vols. Special Collections Division: 60,000 books, 5000 linear feet of manuscripts and records, 25,000 maps. Collection foci are local history, 19th-century English literature, early children's books, and the history of printing.
updated 10/09


Department of Information Studies

GSEIS Building
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1520
Degrees offered: MLIS (specializations areas: Library Studies, Archival Studies, and Informatics); Post-Master's Certificate of Specialization; Ph.D. in Information Studies (several areas of specialization, including Information as Evidence); MA in Moving Image Archive Studies (inter-departmental program between the Department of Information Studies, the Department of Film, Television and Digital Media and the UCLA Film Archive). Also joint MLIS/MA degrees in History and Latin American Studies and a joint MLIS/MBA.
Curriculum: Regularly offered courses that would support specialization in special collections librarianship include:
American Archives and Manuscripts Tahunan
Analytical Bibliography Every Other Year
Historical Bibliography Every Other Year
History of Publishing and the Book Trade History Every Other Year
Issues and Problems in Preservation of Library and Archival Materials Tahunan
Sejarah Kitab Tahunan
Advanced Seminar in Archival Description and Access Every Other Year
Advanced Seminar in Archival Appraisal Every Other Year
Management of Digital Records Every Other Year
Records and Information Resources Management Every Other Year
Doctoral Seminar in Information as Evidence Every Other Year
Collection Development (for Libraries) Tahunan
Collection Development (for moving image materials) Tahunan
Moving Image Archiving Tahunan
Moving Image Preservation and Restoration Tahunan
Archaeology of Media Tahunan
Moving Image Access Tahunan
Moving Image Cataloging Tahunan
Courses in other departments include Museum Studies (Art History), Studies in Prints (Art History), Renaissance and Baroque Paleography (Art History), Medieval Book (Classics), Textual Criticism (Classics), Computing and Classics (Classics), Enumerative and Descriptive Bibliography (English), Medieval Latin Literary History (History), and Paleography I and II (History), Audiovisual Archives in the Twenty-First Century (Ethnomusicology).
An extensive internship program, with over 300 sites, is an integral part of the curriculum.
Dr. Gilliland will be on sabbatical for the 09-10 academic year. Dr. Gregory Leazer will be interim chair of the department.
University Research Library: 6.5 million volumes and more than 94,000 current serial publications. Special Collections Library: Collections focusing on California history and Western Americana, Latin American studies, Western and California writers, early children's books, early Italian printing, Spinoza, and 19th- and 20th- century British and American literature. William Andrews Clark Memorial Library: A rare book and manuscripts collection with emphasis in English literature and history (1641-1800), Oscar Wilde, and fine printing. It is located thirteen miles (30 minutes) away from the Westwood campus. There are also separate special collections departments in the Music Library and the Biomedical Library.
Los Angeles is home to internationally known museums, libraries, and book dealers. Of particular note are the Getty complex in Brentwood, the Huntington Library, the Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
updated 10/09


Library and Information Science Program

Morgridge College of Education
2450 S. Vine St., Room 127
Denver, CO. 80208
303-871-2509; Fax: 303-871-6582
Degrees offered: MLIS.
Curriculum: Students must choose a concentration in Archives and Records Management, Knowledge Management, Information Science and Technology, Reference and User Services, Resource Description and Access, or School Libraries.

Introduction to Archives Management Tahunan
Archival Appraisal Tahunan
Arrangement, Description & Access to Archives Tahunan
Conservation & Preservation Tahunan
Campus Resources: /
Penrose Library, Special Collections: The Department of Special Collections contains the University Archives, the library's rare book and manuscript collections, the Beck Archives of the Rocky Mountain Jewish Historical Society and the Carson-Brierly Dance Library.


Library and Information Science Program

Hamilton Library (Ground Floor)
2550 The Mall
Honolulu, HI 96822 USA
808-956-7321; Fax: 808-956-5835
Degrees offered : MLISc. Certificates: to Archives & Special Collections
Conservation of Library Materials Every 3rd Year
Introduction to Archives Management Every 3rd Year
Preservation Management Every 3rd Year
Seminar in Archival Studies Every 3rd Year
History of Books & Libraries Every 2nd Year
Hawaiian Studies Information Resources Every 2nd Year
Pacific Islands Information Resources Every 2nd Year
Students may apply up to six hours of practicum and additional internship hours to the degree.
University of Hawaii at Manoa Library: ca. 2.9 million vols. and 27,000 periodicals.
Special Collections Library: prominent collections include Hawaiian collection, Pacific collection, Charlot collection, Asia collection, Hawaii War Records Depository, Rare Books & Manuscripts, Hawaii Congressional Papers, and University Archives.
updated 10/09

501 East Daniel St.
Champaign, IL 61820
Degrees offered : MS, CAS, Ph.D., Graduate Certificate in Special Collections: for the latter see: .
Curriculum : Students are allowed to design their own programs of concentration. The Graduate Certificate in Special Collections requires 10 credit hours total from the following courses as well as the 2 hour Rare Book and Special Collections Librarianship course. It is possible to complete the majority of these requirements online via LEEP; for more information see
Rare Book and Special Collections Librarianship Every Year


Administration and Use of Archival Materials Every Year
Arrangement and Description for Archives and Museums Every Year


Manuscripts and Early Printing Kadang-kadang
Problems in Chinese History: Literary Culture and Communication in Ming Qing China Book Arts Kadang-kadang
History of Libraries Kadang-kadang
History of Children's Literature Kadang-kadang
Bookbinding: History, Principles, and Practice Kadang-kadang
The Picture Book: History, Art, and Visual Literacy Kadang-kadang
Special Topics in Book Arts Kadang-kadang
Rare Books, Crime, and Punishment Kadang-kadang
Great Printers and Their Books Kadang-kadang
Sejarah Kitab Kadang-kadang
History and Techniques of Letterpress Printing Kadang-kadang
Medieval Codicology: The Medieval Book from Sheep to Shelf Kadang-kadang
Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Kadang-kadang
History and Practices of Book Collecting Kadang-kadang
Manufacture, Description, Uses, & Preservation of Paper in the Scholarly World Kadang-kadang


Preserving Information Resources Every Year
Audiovisual Materials in Libraries and Archives Kadang-kadang
Preservation and Conservation for Collections Care Kadang-kadang
Digital Pelestarian Every Year


Bibliografi Every Year
Music Librarianship and Bibliography Kadang-kadang
Rare Book Cataloging Kadang-kadang
Enumerative, Descriptive, Historical and Textual Bibliography Kadang-kadang
Reference Sources for Rare Books Kadang-kadang


Museum Informatics Occsionally
Legal Issues in Library and Information Science Kadang-kadang
Special Collections in Museums and Historical Settings Kadang-kadang
The Donald W. Krummel and Marilyn Krummel Endowment Fund supports master's students who wish to attend educational programs and professional events in the area of history of the graphic and artifactual evidence of books.
University Library , ca. 12 million volumes.
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library , ca. 300,000 volumes. Particular strengths lie in early printing and the Elizabethan and Stuart periods in England, with works by Shakespeare, various important editions of the Bible, and renaissance school books. The Library is renowned for its outstanding collections of incunabula and emblem books. Noteworthy are the collections in the history of science and technology, Mark Twain and his age, the history of economics, and natural history. Also housed in the Library are papers of Benjamin Disraeli, Anthony Trollope, William Allingham, Marcel Proust, John Richardson, Carl Sandburg, HG Wells, William Maxwell, Shana Alexander, and WS Merwin.
updated 10/09


School of Library and Information Science

3087 Library
Iowa City, IA 52242-1420
Fax: 319-335-5374
Degrees Offered : MA in Library & Information Science (LIS) and a joint MA LIS degree with a Certificate in Book Studies; for the latter see: .
Curriculum: Broad-based curriculum; students can combine SLIS courses with courses from the Center for the Book to provide a specialization in Rare Books. See for more information.
History of Books and Printing Every Year
The Book in the Middle Ages Every Year
The Transition from Manuscript to Print Every Year
Practicum in Special Collections Every Semester
University of Iowa Libraries: The University of Iowa Libraries is the largest library system in Iowa and has the 17th-largest holdings among the nation's public research universities. The University's Main Library, its 11 departmental libraries, and the Law Library contain more than 3 million volumes.
UI Special Collections Library: Holdings of the UI Special Collections Library are strong in 19th- and 20th-century English and American literature, 20th century American history, children's literature and the histories of printing, hydraulics and gastronomy. The University Archives include back files of official University records, personal papers of some faculty members, copies of the Hawkeye Yearbook, University directories and catalogs, departmental histories and a large collection of photographs. The Iowa Women's Archives collects and makes available primary source material by and about the women.
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Sekolah Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi

502 MI King South
Lexington, KY 40506-0039
Degrees offered: MLS.
Curriculum: Library and Book History is the only course offered (usually each year) in the Library School directly relevant to special collections librarianship. Students may find other pertinent courses in some of the other academic departments.
Archives and Manuscripts Management Belum ditentukan
Library and Book History Belum ditentukan
University Library: ca. 2.6 million vols. Special Collections: emphasis on Kentuckiana, 20th-century politics, history of printing (including fine press), Miltoniana, and British Romantic and Victorian literature.
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College of Information Studies

Room 4110, Hornbake Library Building
College Park, MD 20742-4345
Degrees offered : Master of Library Science(MLS), MLS/MA(History), Master of Information Management, Doctor of Philosophy.
Curriculum: Generalist program with broad range of courses for archives and manuscripts. Archives, Records, and Information Management Specialty within the MLS program
Archival Principles, Practices and Programs Annually (Fall)
Field Study in Archives, Records and Information Management Annually (Spring)
Legal Issues in Managing Information Setiap tahun
Library and Archives Preservation Annually (Spring)
Manuscript Collections Setiap tahun
Documentation, Collection, and Appraisal of Records Annually (Fall)
Seminar in Archives, Records, and Information Management Kadang-kadang
Sejarah Kitab Occasionally (Summer)
Digital Pelestarian Occasionally (Spring)
University Library system: 2.6 million volumes, 13,000 serial titles.

Numerous special collections including Archives and Manuscripts, Literary Manuscripts, Marylandia and Rare Books , Performing Arts, & University Archives.


Sekolah Informasi

304 West Hall
1085 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1107
734-763-2285; Fax: 734-764-2475
Degrees offered: MSI, Ph.D.
Curriculum: Educating leaders for the information age, with emphases in library and information science, archives and records management, human computer interaction, preservation of
information, information policy, social computing and more.
Access Systems for Archival Materials Every Year
Archival Appraisal Every Year
Practical Engagement Workshop in Archives and Records Every Year
Material Culture and the Interpretation of Objects Every Other Year
Introduction to Archives and Records Management Twice a Year
Management of Electronic Records Every Year
Management of Libraries and Information Services Every Year
Seminar on Archives & Institutions of Social Memory Every Year
Information Resources and Services Twice a Year
Internship/Field Experience Every Term
Preserving Information Every Year
History of Books and Printing Every Year
Web Archiving Every Other Year
Advanced Preservation Administration Every Other Year
Digitization for Preservation Every Year
Preserving Sound and Motion Every Year
Records Management: Principles and Practices Every Year
Digitial Libraries and Archives Every Year
Manipulasi Data Every Year
Physical Treatment Processes for Preservation Administrators Every Year
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Information Sciences and Learning Technologies

303 Townsend Hall Columbia, MO 65211
573-882-4546; Fax: 573-884-2917
Degrees offered : MA, M.Ed., Ph.D., Ed.S.; New Media certificate.
History of Books and Printing Every Other Year
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School of Information and Library Science

100 Manning Hall, CB#3660 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360
Degrees offered : MSLS, MSIS; Certificate of Advanced Study; Ph.D.
Curriculum: The catalog of courses is noticeably weighted toward implementation and administration of digital technologies.
Access, Outreach, and Public Service in Cultural Heritage Repositories Jatuh
Advanced Issues and Practices in Archives and Manuscripts Administration Musim semi
Archival Approaches to Content Management Musim semi
Budaya Lembaga Jatuh
Digital Preservation and Access Musim semi
History of Libraries and other Information Related Cultural Institutions Biannually (next: Fall 2005)
History of the Book and Other Information Formats Biannually (next: Fall 2006)
Introduction to Archives and Records Management Jatuh
Preservation of Library and Archival Materials (Fall)Seminar in Rare Book Collections Musim semi
Internships may be applied to degree requirements.
University Library: 4.2 million vols.; 44,000 periodicals. Louis Round Wilson Library 110,000 books and pamphlets, 1200 Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, Hanes Foundation for the Study of the Origin and Development of the Book, the Whittaker Collection of British authors, Southern Folklore Collection, Southern Historical Collection.
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School of Library and Information Sciences

1155 Union Circle #311068
Denton, TX 76203-5017
The Department of Library and Information Sciences is now part of a new College here at the University of North Texas called the College of Information. Dr. Maurice Wheeler is our Interim Chair.
The Master's Degree is offered through residential study or through the Web Institute. In the Web Institute, students attend one nine-day or two four-day sessions in Denton, Houston, Las Vegas, Virginia, or Goergia, with the remainder of the program online.
Degrees offered: BS, MS, Ph.D.
Curriculum: Broad-based, traditional program.
Pengawetan Every Fall, Spring and Second Summer Session
Buku Langka Every Spring
Koleksi Khusus dan Arsip Every Fall
The Special Collections and Archives course, though listed in the university catalog, has not been offered since 1992.
Practicums / internship, or analogous experience, is required.
University Library: ca. 1.5 million vols.
Rare Book & Taxana Collection: strengths are in 18th-century English literature, William Blake, printing and publishing, and Texana; and a collection of 2,000 items pertaining to folk and children's literature.
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School of Library and Information Studies

401 West Brooks St., Room 120
Norman, OK 73019
Degrees offered: MLIS.
Curriculum: Planning guides for various tracks/specialties can be found at:
Arsip Odd Numbered Spring Terms (Norman and Tulsa)
Preservation of Information Materials Odd Numbered Fall Terms (Norman and Tulsa)
Internships may be applied to the degree requirements.
Distance learning program is offered in Tulsa and online.
University Library:
The University of Oklahoma Libraries on the Norman, Oklahoma City and Tulsa campuses...
  • is the largest research library in the state of Oklahoma.
  • contains over 5 million volumes, 63,000 serials subscriptions (print and electronic), and 250 databases.
  • has been a depository library for federal government documents since 1893.
  • ranks 2nd in the Big 12 and 27th out of 113 research libraries in North America for volumes held.
  • maintains over 17,000 linear feet of manuscripts and archives, 1.6 million photographs, and more than 1.5 million maps.
  • holds over 50 incunabula (books printed before 1500), the oldest one of which was published in 1467
Special Collections: Emphases in western history (see correct link below) and history of science.
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School of Information Sciences

135 North Bellefield Avenue University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
412-624-3988; Fax: 412-648-7001
Degrees offered : MLIS, Ph.D., Certificate of Advanced Study
Curriculum : Archives, Preservation & Records Management Specialization within Library and Information Sciences program .
Archives and Manuscripts Management Fall Term
Library and Archives Preservation Fall and Summer Terms
Archival Access, Advocacy, and Ethics Spring Term
Archival Appraisal Spring Term
Archival Representation Spring Term
History of Books, Printing and Publishing Spring Term
Digital Pelestarian Spring Term
Pengalaman Lapangan Spring or Summer Terms
Museum Archives Summer Term
Moving Image Archives Summer Term
Photographic Archives Summer Term
Penelitian Tindakan Summer Term
International Prespectives on Archives Summer Term
Preservation Management Summer Term
Copyright and Fair Use in the Digital Age Fall and Summer Term
NOTE: Declared archives students in the Masters program must start in the Fall Term. All courses listed are available both onsite and online, for online students, see the FastTrack Program .

Students may gain practical experience and financial aid through participation in the Partner's Program and practical experience and course credit through the optional Field Experience course .
See detailed information on course sequencing for both online and onsite Master's students, see
University Library , including Information Sciences Library , with its Elizabeth Nesbitt Room , Special Collections . The Archives Service Center is the University's repository for manuscript and record collections that document the history of Pittsburgh and the Western Pennsylvania region, including the University of Pittsburgh.
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The Graduate School of Library and Information Studies

Rodman Hall
Kingston, RI 02881-0815
401-874-2947; Fax: 401-874-4964
Degrees offered : MLIS.
Administration of Special Collections, Archives & Manuscripts Tahunan
History of Books and Printing Biannually
Introduction to Library Preservation Tahunan
Rare Book Librarianship Biannually
Some courses are taught by adjunct faculty.
University Library : ca. 1 million, over 9,000 current serial titles. Special Collections : collections of American literature and cookbooks.
Significant rare book and manuscript collections are located at Brown University and, farther away, in New Haven and Boston.


Sekolah Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi

Columbia 29208
803-777-3858; Fax: 803-777-7938
Web address:
Degrees offered : MLIS, Certificate of Graduate Study in Library and Information Science, Specialist in Library and Information Science, joint Masters program with Applied History, joint Masters program with English.
Preservation Planning and Administration Biannually
Percetakan Offered very rarely
CLIS 716 Introduction to Bibliography & Textual Studies Biannually

HIST 790: Archival Administration & Techniques Biannually
ENGL 756: History of the Book in America to 1900 Biannually
ENGL 870-872: Seminar in Bibliography, Textual Criticism and Editing [topics vary] Kadang-kadang
6 credits of internship may be applied toward the degree. Relevant internships in Rare Books & Special Collections, Thomas Cooper Library and South Caroliniana Library .
University Library : Foci of the Rare Books and Special Collections library include natural history and science, British literature, American literature and the Joseph Heller archive, and the Augusta Baker Collection on Diversity in Children's Literature and other collections in the area children's literature.
South Caroliniana Library : Today, researchers from around the world visit the Caroliniana to study the books, newspapers, manuscripts, pamphlets, serials, maps, audio recordings, and visual images preserved therein. Four major research divisions of the library include: Books , Manuscripts , Modern Political Collections , and University Archives .
updated 10/09


Sekolah Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi

Cook Memorial Library
Hattiesburg, MS 39406
Degrees offered : MLIS; School Library Certification; Specialist in Library and Information Science; Dual masters' degrees with Anthropology, History, and Political Science
Archival Practicum Available every semester
Contemporary Publishing Sekali setahun
Icons of Power: The Evolution of the Book Sekali setahun
Introduction to Archival Organization Sekali setahun
Preservation of Documentary Materials Sekali setahun
Koleksi Khusus dan Arsip Once an year
Three credit hours of internship can be applied toward the degree.
Many opportunities for digitization training are offered in the archives and special collections. Up to four hours of credit are offered for archives or special collections practica.


School of Library and Information Science

4202 E. Fowler Avenue, CIS 1040
Tampa, FL 33620
Degrees offered : MA in Library and Information Science
Archival Management Dua kali setahun
Collection Development and Maintenance Three times a year
Khusus Perpustakaan Sekali setahun
Curriculum: A seminar in Special Libraries is the only course offered with specific relationship to special collections librarianship. Independent study / internships may be applied toward the degree requirements.
University Library: ca. 1 million vols., 20,000 periodicals. Special Collections Department: strengths are American anti-Catholic literature, costume books, botany, and Floridiana.
For further information contact: Dr. James Andrews, Director, .
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School of Information Sciences

1345 Circle Park Drive, Suite 451
Knoxville, TN 37996-0341
(865) 974-2148
Degrees offered : MS, School Library Certification, Ph.D. in Communications with a primary concentration in Information Sciences.
Curriculum : Individualized Curriculum Approach: students, in consultation with their advisor, may wish to pursue a curricular focus to develop an individualized program of study. Graduates of the school have prepared themselves for a variety of careers, including positions as: corporate information specialist, public librarian, records manager/archivist, webpage designer, indexer/abstractor, online information retrieval specialist, medical or law librarian, reference librarian, youth services specialist, and many others.
Management of Information Organizations Twice a Year
Storytelling in Libraries and Classrooms Once a Year
Interaksi Manusia Komputer Once a Year
Up to six credits of internship may be applied to the degree.
University Libraries : ca. 2 million vols., 3.5 million manuscripts, 10,000 serials. Special Collections: foci include Tennessee history, North American Indians, 19th-century American Literature, Early Voyages and Travels, and art and architecture.
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Sekolah Informasi

Sanchez Building (SZB) 564
1 University Station D7000
Austin, TX 78712-0390
Degrees offered: Masters of Information Studies, Ph.D., Certificate of Advanced Study, Standard School Librarian Certificate, Endorsement of Specialization.
Curriculum: While there is no formal specialization program in special collections librarianship, a student can easily construct one from the many special collections courses available.
Introduction to Archival Enterprise I Jatuh
Introduction to Archival Enterprise II Musim semi
Archival Enterprise Musim semi
Sejarah Kitab Musim semi
Introduction to Bibliography Musim semi
In addition, the following courses are offered (depending on instuctor and student interest):
Archives and Records in the Modern World
Khusus Perpustakaan
Rare Books and Special Collections
Books, Libraries, and Civilization to 1500
Books, Libraries, and Civilization since 1500
Photograph and Cinema Archives
Seminar in History of Library and Information Studies.
Our Preservation and Conservation program is now part of the The William and Margaret Kilgarlin Center for Preservation of the Cultural Record.
University Library: Over 7 million vols. Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center: substantial collections in book arts, world literature, theater, music, and western history.


Faculty of Information

140 St. George Street Toronto, ON
M5S 3G6
Degrees Offered: MISt, MMSt (Master of Museum Studies), DAIS (Graduate Diploma of Advanced Study), Ph.D.
Curriculum: The program provides for specialization in three areas: archival studies, information systems, and library and information science. Courses supporting special collections librarianship include those in the archival studies concentration as well as Analytical & Historical Bibliography, History of Books and Printing, Conservation and Preservation, and Rare Book and Manuscripts. A new collaborative program Book History and Print Culture is offered. The program is in conjunction with Massey College and the Director is Patricia Fleming. Website: .
Internships may not be taken for credit, but a practicum in Archives and Records Management is offered.
University Library: ca. 8.5 million vols.
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library: The particular strengths of its collections include Canadian history and literature, English literature, Italian literature, European philosophy, and the history of science and medicine from the Renaissance to the twentieth century. Internships may not be taken for credit, but a practicum in Archives and Records Management is offered.
The Book History Print Culture: contact within the Faculty liason is Professor Alan Galey.
Toronto Public Library , which includes The Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books. Massey College: History of the Book Collection and printing shop
For further information, contact:
updated 10/09


The Information School, University of Washington

Mary Gates Hall, Suite 370, Box 352840
Seattle WA 98195-2840
206-543-1794 / Fax: 206-616-3152
Degrees offered: BS Informatics, MLIS, MSIM (Master of Science in Information Management), Ph.D. Information Science
Curriculum: The Master of Library and Information Science program is available in both residential and distance modes with identical degree requirements. The MLIS is a 63-quarter-credit program which takes a generalist approach while still offering numerous opportunities for students to focus on particular areas of emphasis. Our nine required core courses emphasize the theoretical foundations of library and information science. Options include a Law Librarianship program, and a certificate program in School Library Media Endorsement.
The Life Cycle of Information Every year
Information Behavior Every year
Information Resources, Services, and Collections Every year
Organization of Information and Resources Every year
Information Systems, Architectures and Retrieval Every year
Information in Social Context Every year
Instructional and Training Strategies for Information Professionals Every year
Metode Penelitian Every year
Management for Information Organizations Every year
Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials Every other year
Archival and Manusrcipt Services Every other year
The core constitutes 34 credits of the 63 required for graduation. The remaining 29 elective credits may include advanced LIS courses, Directed Fieldwork, and Independent Study. Students may also choose electives from graduate courses offered by other UW academic departments.
University of Washington Libraries: Over 7 million volumes and 60,000 serials. Special Collections and Preservation Departments.
There are many museums, libraries, historical societies, and other cultural institutions in the Seattle area for students interested in special collections.


Faculty of Information & Media Studies

North Campus Building, Room 240
London, Ontario
N6A 5B7
Degrees offered : MLIS; Ph.D. in Library and Information Science.
Curriculum: The MLIS curriculum is designed to provide a broad foundation covering core aspects of the field of library and information science.
Kursus Frekuensi
Conservation and Preservation in Libraries and Archives Every Year
Introduction to Archives Administration Twice Per Year
Management of Special Libraries and Information Services Every Year
Archival Reference Services and Outreach Every Year
Internships: The MLIS Program has an optional Co-operative Work/Study component available to eligible students who meet specified requirements.
Western Libraries: Western Libraries has seven major service locations with more than 7.7 million items in print, microform and electronic formats. Together, they constitute one of the largest research library systems in Canada. There are many special collections, such as those in the areas of Canadiana, Art History, Sport History, Music and Law.
The James Alexander and Ellen Rea Benson Special Collections: These collections comprise the Western Archives' antiquarian and rare book holdings. Major collections include the G. William Stuart, Jr. Collection of Milton and Miltoniana, the HG Wells Collection, English Canadian literature to 1939, Canadian Voyages and Travel titles to 1900, the Hannah Collection of the History of Science and Medicine, the Beatrice Hitchins Collection of Aviation History, and the Richard Maurice Bucke Collection of Medical, Philosophical and Literary Papers.
London Public Library: The London Public Library's London Room contains many archival materials related to local history.
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School of Library and Information Studies

Helen C. White Hall
600 N. Park Street
Madison WI 53706
Degrees offered : MLS; Ph.D. Students can choose an Archives focus in the Masters program.
Curriculum : Strengths include public service, particularly for publicly-funded institutions. Students can focus on Archives Administration in the Master's program.
Modern Archives Administration Every Year
Field Project Seminar Every Semester
History of Books and Print Culture Every Fall
Management and Preservation of Multimedia Materials Sporadically
Practice of Modern Archives Every Year
Preservation and Conservation of Library and Archives Materials Sporadically
Special Problems in Archives / Manuscripts Administration Every Year
Special Collections Seminar Sporadically
Manajemen Arsip Every Year
Archives Outreach and User Services Every Year
Archives Accessioning and Appraisal Every Year
Dikodekan Arsip Deskripsi Every Summer
Perpustakaan Digital Every Year
Informasi Arsitektur Every Year
Metadata and Document Structures Every Year
Digital Tools, Trends, and Debates Every Year
A special collections course has been offered annually, with some special topics courses (such as data librarianship or map librarianship) offered mainly in the summer.
A student with interests in Special Collections can do a field project at a Special Collections Library. This class is taught by a full-time faculty member every fall semester.
A student can construct a specialization in special collections librarianship by means of practicums, up to 9 credit hourse of electives outside the library school, and independent study.
University Library Special Collections : Foci include English and American Literature, Philosophy and Theology, History of Science, and History of the Book.
There are many interesting local resources for students interested in special collections such as the Helen Allen Textiles Collections, The Center for Film and Theater Research, University Archives, Wisconsin State Historical Society Archives, Childrens' Museum, Herbarium, Geology Museum.
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School of Information Studies

Amy Cooper Cary
Director, Archival Studies Program
588 Bolton Hall
PO Box 413 Milwaukee, WI 53201
Degrees offered: BSIR (Undergraduate program in Information Resources); MLIS with Concentration in Archival Studies ; Coordinated Degrees MLIS/MA or MS (Anthropology, English, Foreign Language and Literature, Georgraphy, Health Care Informatics, History, Music, Urban Studies); Ph.D.
Certificates: Certificate of Advanced Study in Archives and Records Administration (post-MLIS)
Curriculum: Note that most courses are offered in both onsite and online format. The MLIS and Certificate of Advanced Study can be achieved entirely online.
Introduction to Modern Archives Administration Fall and Spring
Information and Records Management Jatuh
Electronic Document and Records Management Jatuh
The Academic Librarian Setiap tahun
Arrangement and Description in Archives Setiap tahun
Archival Outreach Setiap tahun
Preserving Information Media Setiap tahun
Seminar in Modern Archives Administration Setiap tahun
Fieldwork in Archives and Manuscripts Every Term
Government Information Sources Setiap tahun
Seminar in Intellectual Freedom Bi-Annually
Legal Issues for Library and Information Managers Setiap tahun
Technology Issues in Archives Setiap tahun
Independen Penelitian Arranged with Instructor
University Library with over 5.2 million cataloged items in holdings (2006)
American Geographical Society Library holding all materials from the American Geographical Society, including cartographic, photographic, digital, and GIS data.
UWM Archives providing access to primary sources from the Milwaukee metropolitain area, and documenting the university's historical record.
UWM Special Collections holding rare and special materials with strong holdings in American nursing history, art and architecture, aviation history, Civil War regimental histories, contemporary fine-press printing, book arts, gay and lesbian study, Irish literature, Jewish studies, labor and radical movements, small press publishing, Native American literature, manuscript collections, social justice, UWM Authors and Women's Studies.
updated 10/09

Valdosta State University

Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi

Dr. Wallace Koehler, Director
Dr. Bill Meehan, Curriculum Director
Degrees Offered : MLIS
Kursus Frekuensi
Archival Theory and Issues
Pengawetan Under Developement - Projected for Spring 2010
Rare Book Librarianship Independent Study
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Library and Information Science Program

106 Kresge Library
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI 48202-3939
313-577-1825; 877-263-2665 (toll-free); Fax 313-577-7563
Degrees offered: MLIS; Specialist Certificate in Library and Information Science; Graduate Certificate in Archival Administration; Graduate Certificate in Information Management; Graduate Certificate in Records and Information Management; Joint MLIS and MA in History; Michigan School Library Media Specialist endorsement
Curriculum: A generalist program allowing students to specialize in a dozen or more areas including archival administration, records and information management and special libraries. Many courses are offered online.
LIS 6780 Records Management Every Term
LIS 6800 Information Technology for Records and Information Management Setiap tahun
LIS 7110 Humanities Information Services and Resources Setiap tahun
LIS 7450 Digitial Imaging Every Other Year
LIS 7685 Practicum: Archives Twice Per Year
LIS 7695 Practicum: Records and Information Management Setiap tahun
LIS 7710 Archival Administration Twice Per Year
LIS 7730 Administration of Visual Collections Setiap tahun
LIS 7740 Archives & Libraries in the Digital World Setiap tahun
LIS 7750 Introduction to Archival & Library Conservation Setiap tahun
LIS 7770 Oral History Setiap tahun
LIS 7780 Electronic Archives Setiap tahun
LIS 7885 Administration of Historical Agencies Setiap tahun
LIS 8500 Advanced Records and Information Management Setiap tahun
University Library System: Wayne State University has five libraries with a total of over three million books and 18,000 current subscriptions to periodicals.
The Purdy/Kresge Library complex houses all materials in the fields of business, education, humanities, and social sciences, as well as all general periodicals. This complex also contains New Media and Information Technology and the offices and classrooms of the School of Library and Information Science.
The David Adamany Undergraduate Library: Careers, computers, and student survival skills are the special focus of the undergraduate library that maintains and supports over 500 computer workstations, a print collection that supports the undergraduate curriculum, and a twenty-four hour computer lab and study center.
Computer science, engineering, life sciences, nursing, and physical science materials are housed in the Science and Engineering Library. Legal documents and related materials are located in the Arthur Neef Law Library. Health science materials are located in the Vera Shiffman Medical Library.
The Walter P. Reuther Library of Labor and Urban Affairs is a rich source of archival materials. It includes the personal papers of many urban leaders and is an important source of original data regarding Detroit, the auto industry, and unionization.
The location of Wayne State University in the heart of Detroit's cultural center provides additional advantages to the library and information science student. Readily available to the university student are the main branch of the Detroit Public Library, the professional research library of the Detroit Institute of Arts, the Detroit Historical Museum, the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History and the Detroit Science Center.
updated 10/09

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